Providing clients with pragmatic solutions, advice and facilitation
Local Government Systems
The system of Local Government is established and overseen by State Government but significantly influenced by Federal Government legislation, policy, programs and funding programs. These arrangements are under constant review and change at both levels of government and a comprehensive understanding of the implications and elements of success at the local level are not always evident to the proponents. GCA’s long term experience in reform of the system of local government is available to support and facilitate these change processes and perform the increasingly important role of “critical friend” to the parties.
Strategy Policy Analysis
Policy analysis, development and implementation are central to GCA’s strengths and services to clients. Managing Director Greg Hoffman PSM has over 40 years’ experience in policy research, development, and advocacy across State, Territory and Federal Governments. Specialising in intergovernmental relations on behalf of Local Government GCA takes a pragmatic approach to policy built on mutually beneficial outcomes and the SMART principle of good policy – is it specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and timely? GCA is able to support all three levels of government in achieving outcomes built on mutual respect and recognition of shared jurisdictions.
Structural & Organisational Change
The dynamic environment in which local government operates requires councils to be constantly alert to the changing expectations of their communities and the uncertain political environment at State and Federal levels impacting on legislative and financial arrangements. The business and operational models that have served councils so well in the past will not necessarily secure and sustain their futures. Local governments need to be open to structural, organisational and operational change and innovation. GCA’s extensive experience across four States and Territories has successfully achieved internal organisational change and collaborative regional initiatives and joint ventures amongst councils and in conjunction with the private sector. This experience is available to parties seeking to initiate or respond to these changes.
Community Engagement & Facilitation
With over 40 years’ experience across four State and Territory jurisdictions at CEO, senior manager, advocate and consultant levels GCA brings a wealth of experience in community engagement and facilitation at State and Local Government levels. This has included the highly charged issues of council amalgamations and the Federal intervention into the live cattle export trade. GCA brings an independent and objective facilitation style to community engagement and public consultation forums ensuring all parties can be fairly heard and their views and opinions considered. These skills are invaluable to councils in community engagement associated with development of corporate plans and internal workshops.